Apple's Siri has been around longer than a decade and is now no longer in its infancy. Millions of people have Siri available and there are some really helpful, cool, and interesting voice commands available that we believe are worth using, but how many of us know how to get the best out of Siri? With many of us opting to pay a premium price for Apple products, we should be making the most out of the features available to us, and so we have listed our favourite and most used Siri voice commands, so you can use them too.
1. Call People
In at number 1 is using Siri to call people. It's quite often I use Siri to call people as it makes multi-tasking much easier, like when getting ready to go out.
Say for example you are getting dressed and your iPhone is lying a couple of metres away on a desk, at this point, you could say: "Hey Siri, call big sis on loudspeaker", or "Hey Siri call so and so on loudspeaker", and Siri will do that for you.
Using Siri to turn on the loudspeaker with the call request is really handy, I actually did not know about this for some time and when I stumbled across this, I started using Siri to make calls more often. Do note that this feature only works when the person you are calling is listed as a contact in your contacts list.
2. Play Something
Easily play something from your favourite YouTube channel or media library by telling your iPhone what to play. For example say: "Hey Siri, play the latest Stretford Paddock Video on YouTube."
This voice command opens YouTube automatically on your iPhone, finds the most accurate channel based on your phrase and then plays the most recent video for you.
3. Get Directions
For people who travel a lot, this command would be a go-to shortcut.
Simply say: "Hey Siri, direct me to London Science Museum" or any other location you want to head to, and Siri will either open the maps ready to start the journey, or find you a list of options and ask if one of those options is the place you wanted, if you say "yes", the map application will open and provide you with the journey route.